let's try this again!

Ok, so I am trying this whole blogging thing--AGAIN! We'll see how it goes!

Kev and I just got back from an amazing Acts 29 church planting conference in NYC. It was probably the best conference we've ever been to as far as the content. A couple of things REALLY stuck out with me.

"We sometimes preach with more passion about our mission than the Gospel of Jesus Christ." John Piper

This hit me like a ton of bricks. Not that it wasn't something I was unaware of but I think the phrasing of it just caught my attention. This has always been a struggle of mine. I get VERY wrapped up in doing and I put the ENTIRE reason I'm even doing something in second place. It's sad my priorities get out of whack so bad sometimes.

Another point was made later by Mark Driscoll that led me to this conclusion I ALSO already knew but needed to hear again, I don't want to do things "for" Jesus. That sounds horrible but it is so correct. I don't want to "use" Jesus as a resource. I want God to do things THROUGH me and be my source not something I just go to when needed. I think most people feel pretty capable and think they can handle most things. I know I do many times, sadly I know most times I don't even realize the reversed perspective of my thinking.

Sad to say, these things are SOOO basic, not like it takes a rocket scientist to figure things out here. But, I know its easy to get in habits in my ways of thinking and even in just my actions. They aren't really intentional, they are my nature, but once again even in the most basic sense I must work against my "natural" thought processes and my "natural" patterns of action. On a more personal note, it's also SERIOUSLY annoying how many times I need to be reminded of the MOST basic things. I mean come ON...when will I get it right, probably never. That's my positive thinking side coming out! :)

Anyway, those were some big thoughts that have hung around in my brain--impressive! Not much hangs around in my brain so I'm glad I ALSO wrote them down. haha. All important to have in perspective!

BABY UPDATE! On the baby front, it is officially the size of a large lime (i'm 11 weeksish)...why books describe it as fruit and vegetables i will never know. Maybe it's a subconscious ploy to get you to eat healthy. I'm not really showing much more than looking like i've gained a little bit of a gut...which is annoying. I wish it was an overnight thing, like one day you were normal and then BAM, "oh look, a big belly, i am obviously pregnant". Then you don't have this awkward phase where you are super self-conscious and you're clothes fit all wrong but there's no point in maternity clothes yet. AHHH, the vanity that comes out that you always thought you had under control!
