I'm sooo hating colds right now!

I feel horrible. I started this dumb cold on Thursday and was in bed Thursday and Friday. Saturday I felt a tad better so we went to the movie, i made it through but it wore me out...Today we went to visit a partner church and I had to have made the worst impression. I couldn't focus on anything anyone said, i was snotting constantly and i felt horrible. Eventually, I asked Kev to leave (he had missed my signals I was senting across the dinner table) because I started feeling worse!

Supposedly I'm over the contagious factor, but i'm so miserable still it's annoying. AHHHHHHHHHHHH! Why do i have a cold in the MIDDLE OF THE SUMMER! That's just not right!

Also, tomorrow is an important day and one of the first meetings we have about the church here and I so want to feel better at LEAST for that meeting.

Sorry, i needed to mini rant because i know kev is tired of hearing me complain and tired of my nose blowing...oh and i'm out of tissues!
