ok, i really really stink at blogging. today is my birthday! last night my family went to Wasabi's and it was REALLY good and today kev and I went to Panther Creek State Park (which is where he proposed to me) and we hiked the trail he proposed on! It was alot of fun. I am glad to be back near places to hike! Then we went to El Sazon, an amazing Mexican place in Jeff City! it has been a great birthday! Tomorrow we are going to have cake with my family and open presents! i love birthday presents! so I guess it's been more of a birthday weekend!
soo, i attempted to register for fun baby stuff at Target (the most amazing place on the planet)! we had picked out everything and I was sooo ready to go! when i got there with my mom and mother-in-law they told us none of the stuff i would be registering for would be around still when i had showers! they were going to be switching all the summer stuff out and i needed to wait! how lame is that? i guess it has to happen sometime, but you really hope that some time isn't YOUR time! oh well! so ill have to wait till the end of august or beginning of sept to register...the sad part is it takes me a trillion years to decide what i like anyway...
i finally got my doctor's appt set up for the baaabbbby! i'm excited it is this wednesday! she is very much letting me know she exists and loves to kick my bladder in particular which is just great since i have a bladder the size of a pea! supposedly the whole needing to go to the bathroom thing gets worse, i'm not sure how well that's gonna go over since i have a bladder the size of a pea to begin with!
oh and i finally have gotten around to reading Desiring God! It's gonna take me a century but i really really like what I've read so far and i'm enjoying it. it's challenging me in some really good areas and it makes me think! one of my girls from charlotte is reading it as well so we are gonna keep each other updated on the things we are thinking. that will help me stay on top of it as well! you would NEVER know i used to love reading by how much i read now, it's very sad!
stuff with The Ridge is going well! We have our first info meeting here in Knoxville in a week! I'm pretty excited to see who shows up and is interested! I know it's just a jumping off point but it's a great place to start and meet some new people and let them know of the things we have coming up!
ok, enough rambling, i need to keep up with this better in the future! :)