we are finally BETTER!

Thank goodness for life after colds and allergies. I'm telling you I had about all I could take of that mess!

We just got back from a fun week in Charleston, SC. We almost didn't go on our vaca because of being sick. Instead we just left a few days later than we planned. This was part of our 10 year anniversary fun...Kev's plan was to do it all at once but it's become a little spread out because of money and life but to me that just makes it more fun! We are celebrating this the whole year rather than just over one week or so! It's nice to do random sentimental and fun things over the course of time rather than just all at once! It was a great week, it was super hot though and rained a lot but just getting away, eating really good seafood, hanging out at the pool and beach a little and doing the Charleston thing was really really fun! It's kinda getting to where I am not way motivated to do a hardcore super active vacation anyway, so it was PERFECT! The weather slowed us down a little and that turned out to be really good!

Well, our nameless baby is doing gymnastics currently and has been 24/7. I don't know what's normal at this stage but she is about as active as you can get! In addition to that we can NOT decide on a name and it's driving me insane. I thought we had semi-settled on a name but apparently it's back up for debate. Eventually, I NEED TO KNOW A NAME! If anyone has any great ideas, feel free to post them up here!

Ok, here are some pics from our vaca and I've even got a good baby belly pic!!! I had to play with the lighting but it turned out a little grainy! Ok, enjoy and give me baby name ideas!!!!
