Crazy week!

Well, this has been and will continue to be a busy week! Between multiple doctor's appts, visits with friends, meetings with different people, getting ready for some fun visitors this weekend and preparing for a baby being here in less than a week I am having a great time but kinda going crazy at the same time! I do better when I focus on the individual things in front of me rather than everything that needs to happen in less than a week! I just want to clean the house really good too and that's an annoying thing! I'm guessing after a c-section, I won't really feel like doing that!

So far so good with the Dr. visits. They have been doing nonstress tests on the baby, which consist of them monitoring the baby's heart rate for 30+ minutes to see if it varies when she moves. The three times I've had the test she moves too much and they can't tell what's happening so I end up having an ultrasound, this last time, she slept the whole time and hardly moved. Even when they buzzed my belly to wake her up, she just jumped and went back to sleep! So then I had another ultrasound. I am seriously having an ultrasound every single visit and I see the Dr. twice a week! If anything it's comforting to me because in an effort to find a reason to be worried about her they seem to just keep confirming that she is ok! That's a blessing to me!

We've settled on a first name, Chloe! It took a while but it's official, or as official as Kev and I get! We are still considering middle names. We have several, I'm leaving this in Kevy's department! He really wants a Gaelic middle name, which is fine with me!

This weekend is our Pumpkin Carving with The Ridge! I'm super excited. I think we will have a great turnout if the weather doens't kill us! It's supposed to rain and be cold. :( I am sooooo praying it stays clear just long enough for us to do our thing!

Mikey Pooh and Morgie will be here this weekend! I'm so excited to see them and get to spend some quality time with them! We haven't had that opportunity in quite a while!

Well, I think that's the end of my random post!


Alicia said…
I'm so excited for you! Can't wait to see those first baby pictures! :-)