This past monday we had an amniocentesis and Chloe's lungs were not developed yet so we had to wait another week for her to continue growing! I was seriously sad and a little worried because she wasn't fitting in to the "normal" percentages, but I don't know why I'm surprised, she hasn't really been in a normal category yet! Fortunately, they forsee no problems. That's a massive blessing and obviously our greatest concern. So, we have ANOTHER amnio this monday and pending the results of THIS one, we may or may not have our little girl on this Tuesday! I hope it all works out this time around. From a selfish perspective, I have just recently gotten VERY uncomfortable and I'm waking up a ton at night and just generally don't feel well...Also, it would really worry me if her lungs were still not developed this week, since we are so close to the end. On a positive note, EVERYTHING I wanted to do in the nursery (minus finding a cherry chest, not a big rus
So, today is Halloween and I TOTALLY love ANY reason to dress up
Now we have one more weekend to get through and HOPEFULLY, next week will bring us a little girl!!! Looks like she wants to be a November gal or maaaaaybe, she's a lot like her aunt Amy who just operates on her OWN schedule, lives in her own little world, and likes to make everybody wait for her...I'm pretty sure that's gonna be it! So anyway, hopefully by the next time I get around to posting we will have adorable pictures to put up of the most adorable little girl on the PLANET!
In the meantime, enjoy the beautiful fall weather! The colors are not as amazing this year as in the times past but there is still beautiful scenary out there and the weather is amazing!
p.s. i'm over teenage trick or treaters especially the ones that don't dress up, UNLESS you are the kid that came as a skeleton whose face bleeds when he pushed some hidden button. Kinda creepy and he said he had freaked out some kids, but i have to admit, but that was pretty awesome...he at least had a decent costume.