Well, this was a gooood weekend! Friday, we found out our little girl has grown to 5 lb 2 oz...not a "heavy weight" but apparently gaining 8 oz over 2 weeks is enough to keep the doctors happy! Tomorrow I have the amnio and then if all goes well, Tuesday at 8:00 am I deliver her! :) I can't wait to see this little girl!
Mike and Morgan showed up Friday evening for a visit, poor guys got stuck in construction, bad weather and traffic and it took twice as long as it should have for them! Friday night Morgan and I spent a good 30 minutes before she went to bed watching my belly move...hahaa, it's pretty cool right now because she's all stretched out!
Saturday turned out REALLY well for our pumpkin carving! It started out kinda scary because most people didn't show up till at least 2:30 p.m. and we thought no one was coming, haha! We ended up with about 24 people and it was so fun, minus the 3 people that cut themselves. :( Over half the people were new and I always like meeting new people! We had decent weather which had REALLY scared me because it rained all day on Friday! I had the BEST pumpkin! I carved a mountain scene with clouds and a sunshine on one side and then of course a flower on the other! it's super cute! I got some good ideas when I had looked up creative pictures for the pumpkin carving thing and one was how you can just carve off part of the skin so the candle doesn't shine through but makes that area glow. it was awesome! Here are some picsfrom the Pumpkin Carving! It eneded up great and I'm pretty excited!
Last night we went out to Wild Wings and while Kev and Mike watched the Vols get slaughtered, Morige and I went to Babies'R'Us to get a couple preemie outfits just in case since she is so tiny!
Today we all went to church (we are checking out different churches in the area to get a good idea of what's around and what's not) and my friend Jennifer and her daughter followed us! The church we visited was interesting. It was in a really cool building but it was sad because they weren't really friendly and the person that spoke wasn't really on target at all theologically, actually she was pretty off (and that's not very different than the other time we visited) and it was just weird and a little disappointing. Just a reminder that we need some decent churches in our area that are doing things a little different but are most importantly very sound theologically AND geez, be friendly people! What's up with that? It's just polite and we DO live in the south!
Then after lunch, Mikey Pooh and Morgie had to leave! :( it was super sad. I really miss all our students/friends and as people grow up it's just kinda strange. We will be participating in multiple ways in their wedding in a year or so and that's amazing but it's just weird that everybody is getting to that point in life! It makes me wonder how things will affect me as a parent! I'm sure it will be harder for sure! I can't believer in less than 36 hours we will have a little girl! I hope this amnio goes well tomorrow so we don't have to wait later than Tuesday morning! The suspense is killing me!
Mike and Morgan showed up Friday evening for a visit, poor guys got stuck in construction, bad weather and traffic and it took twice as long as it should have for them! Friday night Morgan and I spent a good 30 minutes before she went to bed watching my belly move...hahaa, it's pretty cool right now because she's all stretched out!
Saturday turned out REALLY well for our pumpkin carving! It started out kinda scary because most people didn't show up till at least 2:30 p.m. and we thought no one was coming, haha! We ended up with about 24 people and it was so fun, minus the 3 people that cut themselves. :( Over half the people were new and I always like meeting new people! We had decent weather which had REALLY scared me because it rained all day on Friday! I had the BEST pumpkin! I carved a mountain scene with clouds and a sunshine on one side and then of course a flower on the other! it's super cute! I got some good ideas when I had looked up creative pictures for the pumpkin carving thing and one was how you can just carve off part of the skin so the candle doesn't shine through but makes that area glow. it was awesome! Here are some picsfrom the Pumpkin Carving! It eneded up great and I'm pretty excited!
Last night we went out to Wild Wings and while Kev and Mike watched the Vols get slaughtered, Morige and I went to Babies'R'Us to get a couple preemie outfits just in case since she is so tiny!
Today we all went to church (we are checking out different churches in the area to get a good idea of what's around and what's not) and my friend Jennifer and her daughter followed us! The church we visited was interesting. It was in a really cool building but it was sad because they weren't really friendly and the person that spoke wasn't really on target at all theologically, actually she was pretty off (and that's not very different than the other time we visited) and it was just weird and a little disappointing. Just a reminder that we need some decent churches in our area that are doing things a little different but are most importantly very sound theologically AND geez, be friendly people! What's up with that? It's just polite and we DO live in the south!
Then after lunch, Mikey Pooh and Morgie had to leave! :( it was super sad. I really miss all our students/friends and as people grow up it's just kinda strange. We will be participating in multiple ways in their wedding in a year or so and that's amazing but it's just weird that everybody is getting to that point in life! It makes me wonder how things will affect me as a parent! I'm sure it will be harder for sure! I can't believer in less than 36 hours we will have a little girl! I hope this amnio goes well tomorrow so we don't have to wait later than Tuesday morning! The suspense is killing me!
Your pumpkin was great, too! I was in the crowd at Neyland yesterday watching the game.
I understand about the church situation. We LOVE our church, and when I've visited other churches I see how blessed we are at our church. Let me know if you decide to move to Chatt! ;-)