Black Friday Shopping!

It's Black Friday shopping for adoption!!! No, it's not 4am. You are still in your PJ's. There are no lines full of people. But, that doesn't mean you've missed all the great deals available to you! I'm not talking about getting a new smart TV for $100 or that Michael Kors watch for $50! Well, those are not completely realistic deals, but I wish.

Let's check out those amazing Black Friday/every Friday/everyday opportunities available to you. I took this photo at Thanksgiving dinner at my in-laws' house. I thought it was perfect. It reminded me that one day we will have a son or daughter sitting in that empty seat. Here are some opportunities to partner with us to change the future for our child-to-be!

1. Buy a Christmas Tree! Snowflake Village at the corner of Choate and Tryon in Steele Creek sells gorgeous Christmas Trees, wreaths, garland and décor. If you plan to buy a live tree, buy it there and let them know you are purchasing on behalf of the Layne Family Bulgarian Adoption. They are open every day until December 19th!

2. Gobena Coffee. Buy some free trade coffee for yourself or as a gift for a friend or family member. Every time you make a purchase, a portion of the proceeds will go toward our Lifesong for Orphans matching grant. They offer free shipping!

3. Donate to our Pure Charity fund in honor of a friend or family member. Provide us with the name and address and we will sent a certificate to the individual letting them know someone else was blessed monetarily in their name. We will give them a little info about the cause as well. (You can donate in your name!)

4. Sponsor a puzzle piece. Puzzle pieces are still available for $10 apiece. Sponsor a piece in someone else's name or in your own name! Provide us with the name and address and we will send them a certificate letting them know and we will also tag them on social media if we have their information. Look for these on the right side of our blog. After you sponsor one, please email me with your name and information.

5. Give a Hope bracelet for $15. These are in limited supply! Look on the right side of our blog for the drop down menu to purchase bracelets. I have about 20 left. Choose from the available colors and I will send your bracelet to your friend, family member or to your home for an extra $3. Or, you can just make arrangements to pick it up from me.

James 1:27 says, "Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world."

I love this verse because of the connection it makes to our responsibility as believers, but I learned that the word "visit" doesn't mean just a quick hello. It means to physically care for others and exercise oversight on their behalf! Help us do that through prayerfully and financially supporting our adoption this Christmas season!

If you have any questions about any of these opportunities, please email me. Thank you for taking the time to follow our blog and share in our journey! We appreciate your love, prayers, and interest!!
