So what are all these puzzle pieces about!? I realized I've met quite a few people in the past two years and while you know we are adopting, some of you may be wondering why I take pictures of puzzle pieces with different people's names on them. Well, here's the answer.
The puzzle pieces are part of an ongoing fundraiser we have had since we first began our adoption paperwork in the summer of 2014, yes, we've been at this TWO years. Individuals or families can sponsor a puzzle piece for $10 a piece. This money goes toward bringing our little one home. As you have heard before every little bit helps and contributes to the bigger picture of giving a child a family. This is why a puzzle is a perfect illustration of how many people play different roles, large or small, all working together to bring this child home.
Some families have decided to sponsor puzzle pieces for each individual in their family, that way each name is on a different piece. Some families just sponsor one piece and their last name goes on it. We have even had people sponsor pieces in honor of and in memory of family members. When people give larger donations to our Pure Charity account we make them puzzle pieces. when individuals donate items that we sell, sell items and donate that money to our adoption (like from a yard sale) or donate their time we make them puzzle pieces. My friend is currently donating her commission from her Thirty-One business. Sometimes we have had business play a large role financially in our adoption. For example, AIM Mail Center donated printing services to several of our fundraisers. We made the awesome people at the AIM store puzzle pieces!
I know, I still haven't really said what happens to the puzzle pieces. Right now the puzzle piece with names on them go in a mason jar. We have three mason jars full and are getting ready to start on our fourth jar. After we have each puzzle piece sponsored through donations we will put all the pieces together. Then we will seal and frame them in a way that the back of the puzzle is exposed. That way, when our adopted child looks at the back of their puzzle they will see the many people that joined together in bringing them home!
For our child's puzzle, we chose a map of the world. First, because maps are cool. I can't believe I just said that. Kev is rubbing off on me. Second, because it will be something they enjoy hanging up when they get older versus a puzzle of playful puppies or Elmo. And lastly, so they can see how far love is willing to travel. I want to place a heart on South Carolina and draw a line across the world where we will put another heart on Bulgaria. This is why I often use the hashtag #willtravelforkids along with our other hashtag #teamlayne.
We bought a 500 piece puzzle. We have 146 puzzle pieces remaining to be sponsored. If this is something you are interested in doing please click on the "buy now" link under "puzzle pieces" on the right side of this blog. It will give you and option to donate! Or if you prefer to give a tax-deductible donation via Pure Charity please click here or on the Layne Family Adoption icon with our picture on the right side of the page.
Thank you to all of you that donate, pray, love, ask questions and just support us! You are a blessing to us, our sanity and our coming child! We are still waiting, but God's timing is perfect.