It’s Thanksgiving Week!!! Oh my goodness, we are so blessed. I am SO thankful. God has given us such sweet people in our life since we moved to Wilmington!
It’s been awhile since I shared different ways you can get involved in our adoption and a few friends have been asking! As always, NO PRESSURE to do anything, but here’s the info if you want to know!
First, we have a profile at Adopttogether! Here is the link. If you are interested in giving a tax-deductible donation as this year comes to a close this is the place to go! Relocation and updating our homestudy brought new fees we did not expect. We would love for you to join us in helping bring our child or children home!
Lastly, and most importantly PRAY! Please pray! Pray God brings us a referral. Pray God protects and provides for our future child/children until we are able to do that in a tangible way ourselves. Pray that God prepares their hearts for new people and a new place. Pray God begins to heal them from any pain, sadness or trauma they have already experienced. Pray God prepares Chloe and Violet for the change that will happen when we do receive a referral and start this process. It will be a big one for them. Pray for hearts of compassion and patience. Pray God prepares Kevy and I as we adjust our mindset, think about logistics, and we continue to prepare for children that may have experienced trauma and neglect. Pray Kev and I continue to build a solid foundation of love and security for Chloe and Violet so they don't struggle as much when our future child or children come home and they have to share our attention and time with new kiddos. Pray God moves soon!! I want God’s timing on this, I’m just praying it’s soon!
So, as we move through this week, I want to challenge you as I challenge myself. Look around you at the many gifts you have been given, whether it’s family, new friends, old friends, being healthy, mountains, gorgeous skies, a beautiful beach 15 minutes away, work, a house, clothes, or food. We are the richest country in the world and still your average American doesn’t see how much they have, they just see what they don’t have. I am guilty of this as well. So here’s my challenge...
Be Grateful.