
Little B will be expecting us today. Expecting to be talked to, played with, cuddled and kissed. 

That was my first waking thought as I woke up this morning. It wasn’t fun. 

Every morning after a restless night of little sleep we have woken up excited and in a hurry. Today was not that way. We dragged ourselves out of bed and made our way down to the cafe to meet another worker from Vesta. It was fun to see a familiar face. We met her through another adoptive mommy in NC while she was in the US a few years ago. She met us to take us to the notary’s office to sign paperwork for Vesta, the Ministry of Justice, and Power of Attorney paperwork. 

Here is an exciting thought—we officially gave our son his
name today! In a few months after court we can reveal pictures and his name. Vesta is our NGO and will advocate for us here in Bulgaria and go to court on our behalf. They have been so great to work with.

Last night we talked with the girls. Chloe asked, “Are we going to adopt him ‘IF it works out’ or ‘Yes, we are adopting him?’” Smart girl, she has heard our “maybes” this whole time. We have intentionally been vague with the girls only to protect their hearts. They get attached, get excited and love without question. In times past when things did not work out with other waiting children we had showed them, they continued to pray and ask about those children by name. I love their hearts... I hope they never change. 

We had planned to move forward with Little B regardless of medical results, but if you’ve followed our adoption story or know our ministry life you see that things do not happen like we expect them to. The best you can do is move forward in the direction God sends you until He says otherwise. 

We were so happy to tell them, “YES, we are adopting him and if it changes it won’t be because of us.” Sadly, I still felt the need to protect them a little just in case there is an issue. They were so excited. Violet yelled “YAY!” Chloé said, “I will be hugging him every five minutes when he gets home.” If you know our girls, you know they will! 

We had the rest of the day free and spent the time looking around Sofia’s city center and doing some souvenir shopping. Oh and eating, because we love trying ethnic foods! Don’t worry, if you are reading this and adopting from Bulgaria, I will dedicate a whole post to that and things that are helpful to know when traveling for your first trip. 

Tonight we are going on a two hour walking tour and then meeting another adoptive family for dinner. They are adopting a little girl about Little B’s age. 

I can’t help but think about the past week, our little boy and the other children left behind. The two little faces at his birthday party. The little girl sat in a pink chair and the little boy in a yellow chair. The little girl’s mom is in jail and plans to come back to get her. The little boy will be going on the adoption registry soon, hopefully. Both are just shy of three.  

Two little chairs... Thank goodness for the workers who will be there everyday. Thank goodness for the Ministry of Justice that is trying to move the process along (although it is not at our desired pace!) and NGO’s like Vesta that have such amazing people working for them. 

We do not live in a perfect world. We are broken people with broken systems. That’s why we need adoption and not just physical adoption of children, but spiritual adoption from a Heavenly Father. 

Again we are waiting, but there is an end in sight!


Unknown said…
And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work. 2 Cor. 9:8