I remember going to college. Shocked to be on my own—independent of my parents. Amy and I were going to take on the world.
Kev worked at Dollywood the summer we got engaged and he came by my house and said he had a present for me. As I closed my eyes, I was confident he was going to pop the question. I opened my eyes to find he had placed an Ewok mug in my hands. Needless to say, I wasn’t very excited. So when he did ask me to marry him on the first day back for our senior year I was shocked. Our engagement felt like a dream, it couldn’t be real. We had dated forever and talked about getting married so much when he did actually propose it didn’t feel real and it certainly wasn’t another Ewok mug.
Our wedding day was a blur of friends, family, dresses, stress and fun. I was too excited to cry, although most of my friends and family were. Right before we took pictures after the ceremony, I remember joking with Kevy about how we both felt like we were playing dress up. We had waited so long for this moment.
Both pregnancies and deliveries were the same way. It didn’t matter that I weighed 30 pounds more than I had before, had horrible reflux, had to pee every five seconds or there was what I tenderly called an alien moving inside me. Even once I saw their beautiful faces I couldn’t believe it was real. I couldn’t believe they were mine. Driving away from the hospital I was even more shocked the hospital staff actually let us leave with them. I felt so unprepared. So nervous. Excited. Scared.
Before we left to go to Bulgaria, everyone asked if we were excited. I was, but it didn’t feel real. Even with our side trip to Paris, I was a little more in anxious disbelief rather than excitement. At least until we got there—I will do a Paris post later. We have waited so long for this adoption, although not as long as some. It’s been 14 years since God planted the desire in our hearts to adopt and we are in year four of the actual adoption process.
Here we are the night before we meet our little boy and again it feels unreal. I’m not mentally prepared like I wanted to be. It doesn’t help that we slept through our alarm this morning and woke up when the car showed up to take us to the airport. Talk about a whirlwind of crazy, clothes and attempted organization from complete disorganization.
Our driver with Vesta greeted us at the airport. He is super nice and has done his best to put us at ease with the new info we recently received and let us know they would be transporting the little boy to Sofia for further testing toward the end of the week. We will find the results out as soon as they know.
We are in a two bedroom apartment in Sofia for the night. Tomorrow we will drive to the little boy’s town. Our translator will pick us up in the morning. There we will meet with the orphanage director and hopefully meet this little guy!
Now we are sitting in an unfamiliar apartment waiting for the unknown. I’m not gonna lie, it’s a little weird and not your typical adventure.
This photo is fairly accurate.