How confusing is God sometimes? Or maybe more accurately how many times do we race toward something we want when God gives us the green light rather than move at His pace? So, two things have happened over the past little bit that have put us on hold/clarified some more of what we should look for in an agency. One part is the financial side of adoption, it's definitely no secret that this will be a God thing financially for us, but because of that we will need to move at a different pace than what "I" want. Secondly, after a few more emails with EAC I really realized it would probably be best to find a Christian organization to go with because I could tell through my discussion with this lady that she had NO idea why someone in our current financial situation would be pursuing adoption. My only answer is that it just what we feel led to do and when God tells us to do something we do it. I think a Christian agency will be more sensitive to that type of thinking. Granted, I have two speeds... overdrive and neutral, so I am attempting to put myself into neutral (for lack of a better term) and let God move us along rather than steamroll His plan as I tend to do so often. So, for that reason I'm not going to be posting as often as I was because I tend to freak out. One random thing I realized the other day was that probably by the end of this year or beginning of next year we will most likely be in the best position to realistically start moving moving and not just researching which is where we are at now...I also realized that 2014 is 10 years from when God first put this burden on our hearts. Next, I thought about the fact that we had our first baby 10 years into our marriage. Maybe God has something with us and the number 10, ha ha. Maybe not, just funny. So, that is where we are...continuing to pursue and search and figure things out but at a slower pace.